Moderate Incoming List Message

From Harmony Lists KB

List Owners can set their Mailman list to moderate list members via the List Settings --> Message Acceptance settings. List Owners can set their list to moderate messages sent from non-members, or even messages that contain certain header content. So what happens when an incoming email triggers a moderation setting? The message appears in the Messages tab of the Moderation Queue panel.

If you are a List Owner or Moderator of a Mailman list, you will have access to the Moderation Queue panel. The Messages tab will contain incoming moderated messages that were sent to the list. The first thing you will notice if there are moderated messages waiting to be handled, is a blue number next to Messages. This number signifies the amount of incoming list messages awaiting moderation. The second piece of information is a list of incoming list messages that are awaiting moderation. The nice thing about the Messages tabs is that it automatically updates itself to reveal any new moderated messages that come in. There is no need to refresh the page to see any new moderated messages.

The Messages tab will inform you how many messages await moderation, the subject line of the moderated message, the reason for the moderation action, and the hold date of the moderated messages. At the end of the row for each moderation message are three dots. We call this the mini-menu. We make use of mini-menus throughout Affinity.

The mini-menu will provide the List Owner and Moderator four actions to take on a moderated message. They are Accept, Reject, Discard, and View Message.

How To Accept A Moderated Message

  1. Log into Affinity with either your List Owner or Moderator user account.
  2. View your moderated messages on the Moderation Queue panel.
  3. Each moderated message is listed on its own row. At the end of the row is a mini-menu represented by three dots.
  4. Click on the mini-menu for the moderated message and choose the Accept action. This will immediately post the message to your List members.

How To Reject A Moderated Message

  1. Log into Affinity with either your List Owner or Moderator user account.
  2. View your moderated messages on the Moderation Queue panel.
  3. Each moderated message is listed on its own row. At the end of the row is a mini-menu represented by three dots.
  4. Click on the mini-menu for the moderated message and choose the Reject action. This will immediately delete the message and send a rejection notice to the message sender.

How To Discard A Moderated Message

  1. Log into Affinity with either your List Owner or Moderator user account.
  2. View your moderated messages on the Moderation Queue panel.
  3. Each moderated message is listed on its own row. At the end of the row is a mini-menu represented by three dots.
  4. Click on the mini-menu for the moderated message and choose the Discard action. This will immediately delete the message with no notification sent to the message sender.

How To View A Moderated Message

  1. Log into Affinity with either your List Owner or Moderator user account.
  2. View your moderated messages on the Moderation Queue panel.
  3. Each moderated message is listed on its own row. At the end of the row is a mini-menu represented by three dots.
  4. Click on the mini-menu for the moderated message and choose the View Message action.
  5. A modal will open up that has a number of interesting features for the List Owner/Moderator to help them to make a moderation decision.
  6. You can view the message contact either in HTML or Text. You can also view the Headers of the moderated message for additional details about the message.
  7. The View Message modal also contains three moderation actions you can make about the message: Accept, Reject, And Discard. If you choose Reject, then make sure you add a rejection reason.
  8. If there are multiple messages from the same sender besides the one you are viewing in the View Message modal, then you can make a group moderation action on the message sender by checking the 'Apply to all messages from this sender' checkbox.